History of NCCT

History of NCCT

The North Carolina College of Theology was founded by Dr. J. L. Cook in 2001. His goal was to educate men and women with the Word of God. We have accomplished this goal with thousands of students graduating and having successful ministries. Moving forward, in 2021 we divided The North Carolina College of Theology into two separate entities with The North Carolina Bible Institute carrying on as our correspondence institute. The curriculum remains the same with our vision and mission still being to educate men and women with the Word of God. The North Carolina Bible Institute will strive to reach the world, one student at a time.

Mission Statement

NCCT, a Christian institution, is equipping and empowering students within the world marketplace for Godly stewardship by preparing Christian servants who will become spiritually vibrant, Biblically strong, theologically balanced, Spirit-empowered, ministry-equipped and culturally sensitive.


NCCT, a Christian institution, is reaching the world for Jesus one student at a time, equipping them with Biblical sound knowledge, for effective leadership and servant-hood to impact the Church, marketplace and the world.

NCCT Institutional Goals

The following are the Institutional Goals in support of the NCCT mission and to guide faculty, staff, administration, and the governing board decisions as it may relate to strategic planning, resource capacity and allocation, and program development and quality. Student objectives and program learning outcomes are identified for each degree offering in support of NCCT’s mission. This first development of an IE plan is NCCT’s promise of serving the mission, committing to continuous institutional and program improvement, and enhancing quality and transparency within and outside of institutional borders.

  1. Academic Goal: Provide biblically enhanced instruction and enrichment for personal and professional development within an ecumenical ethos, for Servant-hood in the Marketplace, the Church, and the World (while instilling the recognition of the authority of scripture).
  2. Strategic Goal: Use technology to create an effective mode and mean of instruction that expands access to learning to the Church, Marketplace, and the World.
  3. Spiritual Goal: Encourage student development of a biblical and balanced theology, the quest of knowledge and truth. This goal is especially important for ABHE accreditation.
  4. Operational Goal: To maintain and refine support systems for enhancing college functions (operations), faculty and staff development, and student success.
  5. Financial Infrastructure Goal: Increase revenue and resources to fiscally strengthen the institutions for long-term financial security.

Academic Institutional Goal

NCCT commits to students to provide quality programs and experiences in support of the institutional academic goal.  In alignment with the overarching institutional academic goal, each degree program offers student learning objectives for sustaining the programmatic purpose, enhancing student achievement during the educational experience, and impacting the greater community of servant-hood.
  1. Academic Goal: Provide biblically enhanced instruction and enrichment for personal and professional development within an ecumenical ethos, for Servant-hood in the Marketplace, the Church, and the World (while instilling the recognition of the authority of scripture).

Program Goals – Student Learning Program Objectives

In selecting program objectives or student learning outcomes, NCCT assures a balanced approach for determining the effectiveness of each degree program through the use multiple measures, both internal and external with direct and indirect assessment features. Table 1 offers the multiple measure model for both the Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies to ensure the programmatic learning objectives and student outcomes.

Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies Program Goals

  1. General Core: Students demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles and the appropriate skills of:
    1. Oral and Written Communication,
    2. fine arts and humanities,
    3. natural science and mathematics,
    4. social and behavioral sciences, and within the general studies.
  2. Ministry performance and Formation: Students demonstrate knowledge and skills of serving in ministry by developing their own educational philosophy around formation addressing effective witnesses and servant-hood in the church and the world at large.
  3. Biblical knowledge: Students demonstrate knowledge of the Old and New Testament and spiritual growth.

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies Program Goals

  1. General Core: Students demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles and the appropriate skills of:
    1. Oral and Written Communication,
    2. fine arts and humanities,
    3. natural science and mathematics,
    4. social and behavioral sciences, and within the general studies,
  2. Ministry performance and Formation: Students demonstrate knowledge and skills of serving in ministry by developing their own educational philosophy around formation addressing effective witnesses and servant-hood in the church and the world at large.
  3. Biblical knowledge: Students demonstrate knowledge of the Old and New Testament and spiritual growth.

Masters of Arts in Theology

For the graduate program, there are variances in measures to meet the programmatic student learning goals at an advanced degree level. Table 2 supports those multiple measures for balanced program objectives and student learning outcomes.

  1. Ministry performance and Formation: Students demonstrate knowledge and skills of serving in ministry by developing their own educational philosophy around formation addressing effective witnesses and servant-hood in the church and the world at large.
  2. Biblical knowledge: Students demonstrate knowledge of the Old and New Testament and spiritual growth.
  3. Theological Studies: Students analyze the Biblical text to demonstrate an understanding of God and His relationship to mankind.
Heather Holland Sykes
Heather Holland Sykes

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science Degree in History and Secondary Education from Appalachian University, University of South Florida - Teaching Certification, Master of Science degree in Education from Walden University, and a Post-Master’s Certificate from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in School Administration

MINISTRY: Vice-President of Spirit Training Center, Inc. and STC Bible College; teaches Women of the Word; Conference and event speaker

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Taught every grade level in secular education from kindergarten to twelfth grade; worked as a reading specialist for several years, and served many years as an instructional coach in elementary education.

Pete Harry Lee Bumgarner
Pete Harry Lee Bumgarner

EDUCATION: Graduate of Thomasville Senior High School, Graduate of Guilford Technical Community College, Vocational Teaching Certificate courses from NC State University, Diploma in Ministerial Studies from Berean Bible Institute, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate Degrees in theology from North Carolina College of Theology, Bachelor and Master Degrees in Biblical Studies from STC Bible College

MINISTRY: Pastored for over thirty years - Founder & President of STC Bible College

MILITARY SERVICE: 4 Years United States Navy (Honorable Discharge) Viet Nam Combat Veteran

INTERNATIONAL: Speaker for Pastor Conferences, Leadership Seminars, Churches and Bible Colleges in various countries of the world, including Austria, Kenya, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Singapore, and Uganda —Author of Church Government According To God's Standard (published)—Author of over 230 Study Guides—Author of 42 manuscripts (unpublished)—Author of 28 Correspondence Courses

Jane S. Withers
Jane S. Withers

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts in English from Guilford College, a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Gardner-Webb University, a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from STC Bible College, and a Doctor of Theology degree from North Carolina College of Theology.

MINISTRY: Director of Spirit Training Center, Inc. and STC Bible College, teacher, seminar speaker, founder and teacher of Women of the Word, author of God’s Design for Women, a powerful book written to encourage women in their pursuit of the Lord.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Retired from the North Carolina public school system after serving for more than thirty years as a teacher, lead teacher, assistant principal, and principal.

Jane S. Withers
Sherlock Bally

Dr. Sherlock Bally has been an ordained minister for 51 years. He has authored 13 books and 8 manuals. He speaks in churches, seminars and conferences around the world. He has made 152 trips overseas and has a passion to see the lost saved, the saved disciples and the disciples sent. He has an intense passion for the nation of Israel and works with members of The Israeli Parliament speaking on The Abrahamic Covenant and Israel’s place in ENDTIME Prophecy. His teaching on The Book of Revelation has just been adopted into the curriculum of the North Carolina College of Theology. He knows that this is a prophetic season of restoration reclamation and restitution.

What We Believe

  • We are evangelical, Bible-believing school based upon the Old and New Testament scriptures.
  • We believe that the Bible is inerrant and infallible
  • We believe that the Bible is God’s instruction manual for life
  • We believe that the Bible was inspired of God to man
  • We believe that god created the earth and the universe in six days
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God born of a virgin
  • We believe that Jesus died on the cross at Calvary, rose from the dead three days later and now sits at the right hand of God
  • We believe that those who have been born-again through the blood of Jesus Christ will reign in Heaven
  • We believe in the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three in one
Student Nondiscrimination Policy

The North Carolina College of Theology admits students of any race, color, national or ethic origin with all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of NCCT. The North Carolina College of Theology does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of it's policies, loan programs, or other school administered programs.

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